Blog Of The Day Award (The Medium has become the message)
Blog of The Day Award
I received a Blog Of The Day Award, all I can say is I feel honored. This Blog is not very old, and really is still in the process of evolving. I don't all ways write as often as I would like, but that's because I feel the act of writing should be inspired by a need to communicate an idea, not just for the sake of writing itself.
A Blog to me is a new type of media a melding of writing, editorials, photo's, and film the list could go on. All have the potential of being part of a Blog, This media I think requires one to attempt to think about what they are writing and why. A Blog also allows for you to attempt to engage readers in a way that other media can not. A blog allows for a two way conversation about the media, idea, and Medium.
Marshal McLuhan said "The Medium Is The Message" And Blogging is a New Medium where both the writer and the reader can decide together what the message is. Maybe now The Medium has become the message. Thank You and please feel free to leave your comment's and thoughts.